Can an object have a net force of zero and still be moving?

Can an object have a net force of zero and still be moving?

HomeArticles, FAQCan an object have a net force of zero and still be moving?

An object with no net forces acting on it which is initially at rest will remain at rest. If it is moving, it will continue to move in a straight line with constant velocity. Forces are “pushes” or “pulls” on the object, and forces, like velocity and acceleration are vector quantities.

Q. Does constant speed mean net force is 0?

If a body is moving with constant velocity, acceleration is zero. So net force acting on it will be also zero. But the body has energy due to its constant motion. So even if the body is moving with constant velocity, it can impart its momentum to other body.

Q. Can you have a constant speed with zero net force?

An object’s velocity (a vector) does not change if and only if the net force acting on the object is zero. In other words, if there is no net force on an object, its speed and direction of motion do not change (including if it is at rest).

Q. Can an object maintain uniform velocity when net force is zero?

Can an object having constant mass maintain uniform velocity when net force acting on it is not zero? 2)Yes,if force is in the direction of velocity.

Q. Can an object maintains uniform velocity then net force acting on it is not zero?

To answer your title question, if an object is moving with a constant velocity then the net force is 0. However, this does not mean that there are no forces are acting on the object. Because in my textbook it says ” the trolley is given a gentle push down the board until it begins to move with uniform velocity.”

Q. Can an object maintain uniform velocity when its acceleration is not zero?

Explanation: No its is not possible for an object to maintain uniform velocity if acceleration is not zero. While it is possible when a body is present in uniform speed.

Q. Why a body in uniform velocity has zero acceleration?

It measures how much velocity is changing in a given time interval. If the body has uniform velocity, it means velocity is not changing. So the change in velocity is zero. In other words, its acceleration is zero.

Q. What is the force needed to keep an object moving with uniform velocity?

A continuous supply of force is needed to keep a body in uniform motion because when a constant force is applied on a body then the acceleration is constant and the body remains in uniform motion. But if the application of force is stopped then the velocity decreases and the body ultimately comes to rest.

Q. Does uniform velocity means no acceleration?

UNIFORM VELOCITY: when an object is moving in a straight line, without any acceleration. No change in speed or direction is experienced. And it follows that the acceleration is zero.

Q. What is the difference between uniform acceleration and uniform velocity?

Uniform velocity refers to the constant moving speed. Uniform acceleration refers to an object moving with constant acceleration w.r.t. time.

Q. Is acceleration constant in uniform velocity?

Is acceleration zero in case of both constant and uniform velocity? During uniform motion, velocity remains constant with time and change in velocity for any time interval is zero. Constant velocity is the velocity whose direction as well as magnitude remains constant.

Q. Is constant speed is equal to uniform speed?

Constane speed and uniform speed are the same. Exactly same. Just the two different names. In an s-t, graph the derivative gives you the speed.

Q. Does force remains constant in uniform circular motion?

When a body is in uniform circular motion, its speed remains constant but its velocity, angular acceleration, angular velocity changes due to change in its direction.

Q. Is centrifugal force a real force?

The centrifugal force is very real if you are in a rotating reference frame. However, the centrifugal force is an inertial force, meaning that it is caused by the motion of the frame of reference itself and not by any external force.

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